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Termite Treatment

If you work with a professional termite exterminator, termite treatments are very safe for you and your family. A trained technician will apply the treatment in a safe and effective manner.

As soon as you discover a termite problem, treatment should be administered as soon as possible. A termite exterminator can help determine when you need termite treatment. 

Certain types of termite treatment, including liquid termiticides, can be effective against ants, roaches, beetles, and other types of pests that may be in or around your home.

Your insurance provider unfortunately rarely covers the costs of termite treatments. This is because policies often only cover preventable damage. Termite bonds can help—learn more!

Sentricon is a baiting system that is considered highly effective in controlling and preventing termite problems. Learn more about getting rid of termites in your Knoxville TN property. 

Depending on the type of termite treatment, your termite exterminator will determine how often treatment needs to be applied or checked on by a professional.