Prevent Boxelder Bugs & Stink Bugs This Fall

Stink bugs are a common fall invader in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Here in Knoxville, we are accustomed to seasonal pest problems. Few are more troublesome than boxelder and stink bug infestations. These fall invaders are known as such because they enter homes when temperatures drop to escape the impending winter months. They are of course also known for the foul odor they emit when stepped on or if they feel threatened. Although they aren’t too dangerous, their populations can grow to large numbers, making the very sight of them worrisome.

The real trouble is when boxelder bugs or stink bugs crawl their way into your home. The team at Russell’s is here with information about these fall invaders, including how to keep them away.

Stink Bug & Boxelder Bug Facts

These insects can and will easily make their way inside via any crack or crevice on the outside of your home in the fall and winter. Besides the odor they emit, it’s important to know a few facts about these fall invaders:

  1. Stink bug
    • Their backs look like shields, and they can blend easily within the foliage.
    • If threatened, these bugs release an odor.
    • There are two main types we see in the states: the brown marmorated stink bug and the green stink bug.
    • They do not bite or spread disease.
  2. Boxelder bug
    • These insects have dark brown bodies with unique red markings.
    • They emerge out of hibernation in the springtime.
    • True to their name, they live in boxelder trees as well as maple, ash, and fruit trees.
    • Their feces can leave a stain.

Stink bug and boxelder bug identification in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

How to Keep Fall Pests Out of Your Home

The key to preventing boxelder bugs & stink bugs this fall is to seal-proof your home. These steps will help prevent all sorts of pests. Inspect the perimeter of your home, focusing on areas around windows and doors. Check the caulk around the molding, seal up cracks around roof soffits and siding, and replace torn screens on doors or windows. It’s also important to clean and repair fences, decorative rocks, woodpiles, patio furniture, and your lawn. Lastly, make sure to trim back vegetation to avoid tree limbs and bushes touching your home.

When to Get an Exterminator for Fall Pests

These insects can get indoors more easily than you may want to believe. If you have an infestation indoors or want to further seal your home off against them, the team at Russell’s can help! Contact our residential exterminators today for more information on our boxelder bug and stink bug control tactics.

Are Spiders More Common in the Fall?

Brown recluse spiders are dangerous in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Spiders are a common pest problem for property owners in Knoxville TN all year long. However, they are in full force in the late summer and early fall months. Spiders are drawn to your property in search of water, food, and shelter, which is why they get inside your home! The good news is that most spiders you encounter indoors are totally harmless. The bad news is that there are two spiders in particular that you need to be on the lookout for: the black widow and the brown recluse spider. At Russell’s, we know how distressing spiders can be, which is why we’re here to share to need-to-know facts about spiders in the fall!

Why Do Spiders Come Inside?

Just like other pests, spiders are attracted to sources of food, shelter, and water inside. These tiny arachnids can get inside through the tiniest of cracks in your home. Broken screens or crevices in your doors and windows often let spiders in. An unkempt yard or lawn will invite spiders to your property. You may also notice more spiders when you have other bugs and insects in your property. Spiders will be more drawn to properties that provide them with shelter and food (bugs) inside. For this reason, keeping a clean home will go a long way to prevent spiders.

Black Widow vs Brown Recluse Infographic - Russell's Pest Control in Knoxville TNAre There Dangerous Spiders in Knoxville?

The black widow and brown recluse may not be a common pest problem, but they are nonetheless a dangerous one! Both of these spiders can bite when they leave threatened, which can be dangerous. Here’s what to know about these potentially dangerous spiders:

  1. Black widows
    • These spiders have a characteristic red hourglass shape on its body.
    • They build sticky, tangled cobwebs in garages, sheds, and near the ground.
    • They can bite when they feel threatened.
  2. Brown recluse spiders
    • Brown recluse have a darker brown violin-shaped mark on their brown bodies.
    • They build loose, dome-shaped webs for shelter.
    • A brown recluse bite is known to be very painful.

How to Stay Spider-Free

Let’s face it: no one wants spiders in their home. Even if you have harmless house spiders, these creatures can be frightening for everyone.

If you are noticing spiders on a daily basis or if you’ve spotted a more dangerous spider species, it’s best to contact your local spider exterminators at Russell’s for assistance.

6 Tips for a Pest-Free Patio

Mowing your lawn helps reduce pests in your Knoxville TN backyard - Russell's Pest Control

When you’re spending more time outdoors as the summer winds down, you likely don’t want pests invading your space. Insects are infamous for being uninvited guests to your backyard barbecues, picnics, parties, and more in the summertime here in Knoxville. Pests may be a normal part of outdoor life, but that doesn’t mean you have to deal with them infesting your yard! At Russell’s Pest Control, we are committed to providing our customers with pest-free* living both inside and outside the home. Our team of experts has gathered their best tips to help you achieve a pest-free* patio and outdoor space.

What Pests Are In Your Backyard?

Insects are out in full force this time of year! Whether you spend time in your backyard on a playset with your children or barbecuing with neighbors, you’ve likely encountered an insect or two. Here in Tennessee, we are home to many types of pests that infest year-round. The most common ones you’ll see this time of year in your yard include mosquitoes, stinging insects (bees, wasps, and hornets), ants, spiders, ticks, fleas, and flies. Out of these nuisance pests, it’s important to be especially wary of mosquitoes and ticks, both of which can transmit diseases to humans.

How to Get a Pest-Free Patio

There are endless tips to keep pests out of your home, but what about out of your yard? It’s best to know how to make your yard less attractive to pests and insects in general. Russell’s best tips are to: 

  1. Get rid of standing water. Stagnant water is one of the biggest attractants for mosquitoes.
  2. Keep your lawn and shrubs trimmed. Ticks and mosquitoes will shelter in overgrown vegetation or tall grass.
  3. Be on the lookout for ant hills. Even a tiny mound can contain thousands of ants inside.
  4. Inspect all wood structures. Wood-destroying pests (carpenter ants and termites) will damage your wooden decks or porches.
  5. Use an insect repellent. Most store-bought repellent containing DEET will help repel mosquitoes and ticks.
  6. Clean your patio or space regularly. Spills or leftover food will surely bring ants around.

Preventing Pests Outdoors

Pests aren’t just dangerous to your family—some can be dangerous for the structure of your home, as well! For this reason, it’s best to enlist the help of a professional exterminator for protecting your property (inside and out) from pests. The residential exterminators at Russell’s can help. Contact us today!

Is Summer the Season of Cockroaches?

A cockroach in the summer is a bad sign of an infestation in Knoxville TN. Russell's Pest Control

Here in Knoxville, cockroaches are a very common pest throughout the year. However, both homeowners and business owners deal with cockroach problems more often than ever in the summertime. This is because cockroaches are drawn to the heat and humidity that only summer months can provide. With a rapid rate of reproduction this time of year, roach infestations can grow out of hand. Because this pest is so troublesome, it’s important to know what you can do to keep them away in the summertime. The team at Russell’s Pest Control is here with expert information on cockroach season: summer!

The Dangers of Cockroaches in the Summer

Cockroaches are known to be gross, but they are one of the more dangerous types of pests. Especially in the summer months, cockroach infestations can explode in size. When you have an infestation, roaches can spread germs and filth. Some of the bacteria they carry can lead to a number of transmitted diseases. In addition, certain individuals are known to have allergic reactions due to the presence of roaches. Because they can be a dangerous pest problem in the summer, it’s crucial to know how to keep them away in the first place.

Here’s How to Prevent Cockroach Infestations

A single cockroach can quickly lead to more…and more. To avoid the frustration of a roach infestation this summer, follow these tips to keep them away:

  • Inspect the perimeter of your home and seal cracks and crevices. Seal windows and doors or install screens.
  • Ensure your kitchens and bathrooms are clean. Promptly wipe or clean up spills and crumbs.
  • After feeding your pets, pick up pet bowls and avoid leaving food out overnight
  • Keep all food securely sealed in airtight containers, and refrigerate unsealed food.
  • Seal all garbage cans with a tight-fitting lid, and routinely take it out when needed.
  • Avoid leaving piles of clutter or junk both inside and outside of your property.
  • Because cockroaches love moisture, promptly fix any leaky pipes or clogged rain gutters.

Cockroach Control in the Summertime

If you’ve done all you can to prevent cockroaches this summer and still have an infestation on your hands, it’s important to contact a professional for help. DIY cockroach control can be a never ending process that rarely results in complete control of the cockroach colony. The cockroach exterminators at Russell’s can ensure you are roach-free this summer and all year long.

Characteristics of Wasp Nests

Wasp nest identification tips in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

During the summertime in Knoxville, insects are a fact of life. Wasps are one of the most common summer insects that are encountered. In nature, they’re a perfectly normal part of the environment. In fact, certain wasps are beneficial in several ways. However, they can become a nuisance when they build their nests on the sides of homes or buildings. In the late summer months, wasps can become more aggressive as their colonies grow and resources begin to dwindle. It can be difficult to identify wasp species. The easiest way to do so is to know what their nests look like. The team at Russell’s is here to share expert tips on identifying different types of wasp nests you may see near your property this summer.

Wasp Nest Identification Tips

To identify a wasp, it’s crucial to know how to identify their nest! Here’s what to know:

  1. Yellowjackets. Likely the most common nest you may see, yellowjacket nests are a papery material and have a single opening. The inside of a yellowjacket nest can have up to 100 tiers of cells. Yellowjackets can also build underground nests that can be enormous in size.
  2. Paper wasps. These nests famously look like upside-down umbrellas. Paper wasp nests are often open, and can get quite large in size. They are typically supported by a single stalk and consist of a paper-like material.
  3. Mud daubers. True to name, female mud daubers construct their nests out of mostly mud. The nests are small and tubular in size, often looking like organ pipes. They are typically found in cracks or crevices.
  4. Bald-faced hornets. These nests are almost always at least three feet off the ground. They are made of chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva. They often grow to be the size of a football or basketball.

Wasp nest identification guide in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

When do Wasps Make Nests?

Wasps usually begin to build their nests in April.  This is the time of year when certain queen wasp species awaken from the winter and begin nests. Once the queen wasp has chosen a location and built the nest, the queen will lay her eggs inside. Once they hatch, the larvae will be fed until the colony starts to grow in size. Nests typically become full size in the late summer. Certain wasp species will outgrow their nests and swarm, which is when people encounter stinging insects most often.

Can You Remove a Wasp Nest on Your Own?

It’s not recommended to try to knock down a nest on your own. Even when a nest appears inactive, there could be dozens of stinging insects inside. Certain types of wasps will not hesitate to sting you repeatedly when they feel their nest is under threat. For this reason, our team always recommends calling a professional wasp removal expert for assistance.

Mosquito Breeding Grounds in Your Yard

Mosquito breeding grounds in your Knoxville TN yard - Russell's Pest Control

Summertime here in Knoxville calls for warm, humid days. Unfortunately, our climate is ideal for mosquitoes, who are very active at dawn and dusk. If you’ve spent time outdoors during this time, you know it can seem like mosquitoes are everywhere. You may unknowingly have mosquito breeding grounds right in your backyard! Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to keep mosquitoes from breeding in your yard.

The team at Russell’s is here to share expert info on eliminating mosquitoes from your property for good–read on to learn more!

The Mosquito Breeding Process

After breeding, female mosquitoes are able to lay anywhere from 100-300 eggs at a time. Once the larvae hatch, mosquitoes will become adults in just under two week’s time. Their quick life cycle means they can quickly infest your yard! For this reason, it’s crucial to know how to eliminate all mosquito breeding grounds in the first place. A few of the most common mosquito hot spots include:

  • Old tires
  • Birdbaths
  • Gutters
  • Mud pots
  • Tree stumps and wood piles
  • Children’s play sets
  • Trash cans
  • Any other area harboring stagnant water

Mosquito prevention tips and ticks for homes in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Other Opportunities to Prevent Mosquitoes

On a regular basis, inspect your property for the above listed items. If you notice any of them are holding standing water, dump them out. In addition, it’s smart to cover items as much as possible. If you are able to reduce mosquito breeding sites, you can successfully keep them away.

A few other things you can do to prevent mosquitoes include installing screens on windows and doors, reducing outdoor lighting at night, keeping your lawn trimmed, fixing water leaks promptly, and using repellents containing DEET as necessary following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Keeping Mosquitoes Away in Knoxville

Mosquitoes are a nuisance and no one wants them in their backyard, let alone breeding in their backyard! If you’ve done everything you can to get rid of common breed grounds for mosquitoes and still are dealing with them, contact the mosquito exterminators at Russell’s today. We focus on long-term mosquito control to keep you and your family safe from these blood-suckers year-round.

5 Tips to Keep Ants Out This Summer

Tips to keep ants out this summer in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Ants are any property owner’s worst nightmare. Not only are they simply a nuisance, they’re infamously difficult to get rid of. Infestations in the summertime spike as ants make their way indoors for food and shelter. To avoid the frustration of an ant problem this summer, there are a few things you can do to limit their access indoors. The experts at Russell’s Pest Control have years of experience controlling these pests and is here to share expert tips to keep ants out this summer.

Types of Ants in the Summer

Did you know there are more than 700 species of ants in the United States alone? For that reason, it is crucial to know which one you’re dealing with in order to properly prevent and control them. An infestation from any of these can be a major pain to deal with, making it important to know what you’re coming up against. The most common ants you will come across include:

How to Keep Summertime Ants Out

If you have had ants before, you know that they can suddenly appear seemingly out of nowhere! To avoid letting ants indoors, there are 5 things you can do to make your property less attractive and accessible to them. Our tips to keep ants out this summer include:

  1. Clean your home regularly. Sweep your floors regularly to get rid of crumbs. Ants are attracted to sugary food sources and a few crumbs will keep them coming back for more.
  2. Store all food items properly. Avoid leaving food out uncovered. Keep food in airtight containers or store them safely in cupboards and fridges.
  3. Seal gaps, cracks, and entry holes. Ants can crawl through the tiniest of cracks. Inspect your property and use caulk to seal any gaps, holes, or potential entry ways.
  4. Avoid excess moisture or water. Areas with standing water or leaks will attract ants quickly. Attend to broken pipes and clean up spills quickly.
  5. Trim back trees and vegetation. Plants close to your home can encourage ants to come in. Make sure tree branches, shrubs, and bushes are trimmed away from the perimeter!

Summertime Ants in Knoxville

Pest problems are common in our area during the summer ants. The last thing you have time to deal with is an ant infestation. If you’ve done everything you can to keep ants out and still are noticing the signs of an infestation, it’s time to call the experts at Russell’s. We are committed to providing you with ant-free living all year round.

Top Myths About Bed Bugs

Common myths about bed bugs in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

We all know that bed bugs are a dreaded pest problem. Not only is the thought of these bugs biting you at night disturbing, they are also difficult to get rid of without a professional pest control company. Because these are such a feared pest, there are a lot of theories and myths surrounding bed bugs. With it being Bed Bug Awareness Week.  it’s important to learn how to separate fact from fiction. In this blog post, we’ll investigate the top myths about bed bugs with help from the bed bug exterminators at Russell’s Pest Control.

Fictitious Bed Bug Facts

At one point or another, you’ve likely heard some pretty wild theories about bed bugs. These pests are definitely psychologically distressing, but they may not be as dangerous as you think. Here’s the top myths about bed bugs, debunked:

  • Bed bugs are attracted to messy or dirty homes.
    • As much as you want to blame a bed bug problem on this, it’s not true. Anyone can get bed bugs. Unsanitary conditions or messes will not make you more likely to get bugs.
  • Bed bugs only feed at night.
    • Bed bugs are active when their hosts are at rest. This usually means overnight, but they are able to adjust their schedule to fit yours!
  • Bed bugs are only found in your bedroom.
    • Bed bugs tend to congregate near areas where people rest. This includes sofas, chairs, cracks in the wall and other furniture items.
  • Bed bugs are too small to see with the naked eye.
    • Adult bed bugs are plenty big to see on your own. They are the size of an apple seed and often grouped together, making it easier to spot an infestation.
  • Bed bugs can jump and fly. 
    • Unlike fleas and ticks, bed bugs do not jump or fly. They have underdeveloped wings, and instead move from one spot to the other by crawling or latching onto a moving item.
  • Bed bugs latch or travel on people.
    • Although bed bugs are known to hitch a ride on your purse or suitcase, they do not attach to people as fleas or ticks do.
  • You can get rid of bed bugs with DIY methods.
    • At-home or DIY treatments for bed bugs are not a long-term solution. An aggressive approach from a pest control company is necessary for complete removal of the infestation.
  • Bed bugs transmit dangerous diseases.
    • A bed bug infestation may cause some anxiety and their bites may be itchy, but these pests do not transmit disease as other pests do.
  • Bed bugs can live a year without feeding.
    • While they definitely can survive months without a meal, they won’t make it through an entire year unless they are under the most optimal conditions.
  • You should get rid of your mattress and clothing if you have bed bugs.
    • No, you definitely should not. In fact, it’s actually dangerous to move your infested items–doing so can spread bed bugs into other areas!

What to Do About Your Bed Bug Problem

Bed bug problems need to be taken care of quickly–and by a professional. As soon as you notice the signs of bed bugs in your property, contact the experts at Russell’s. We have the years of experience needed to provide effective bed bug treatment that will leave you free of bed bugs for good!

3 Summertime Wasps to Look For

How to prevent summertime wasps in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Everyone looks forward to the summertime in Knoxville. With the nice weather, people are compelled to spend more time outside. Whether you have an upcoming barbecue, picnic, hike, or another outdoor activity, it’s important to keep an eye out for summertime wasps! Although there are more than 4,000 species of wasps nationwide, there are three you’ll typically encounter in the summer: yellow jackets, mud daubers, and paper wasps. It can be difficult to differentiate between these wasps, making it important to know about their unique habits and behaviors. Keep reading for info on these wasps from the team at Russell’s Pest Control.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are very common and notoriously aggressive, especially later in the summer. Here’s what you need to know:

  • They are best identified by the yellow and black horizontal stripes that run across their bodies.
  • Yellow jackets congregate in colonies of up to or more than 1,000 workers.
  • Their nests look globe-shaped and are built above ground, often near garages, sheds, and more.
  • Yellow jackets will not bother you unless they feel threatened, in which case they may sting repeatedly. 

Mud Daubers

Mud daubers build their nests out of mud, and look quite different from other wasps. Some things to know include:

  • They are mostly black in appearance but may have light-colored markings. Mud daubers can be identified by their thin, thread-like waist.
  • Nests are usually located in covered areas such as porch ceilings, sheds, and attics.
  • These wasps are less social than other types, often preferring to be solitary.
  • Mud daubers aren’t as aggressive and will only sting when directly handled or threatened.

Common summertime wasps in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps aren’t as hostile as other wasps, but are common this time of year. Here’s what to know about this summertime wasp:

  • They have a similar shape as yellow jackets but are mostly brown in color with yellow markings.
  • Known for the papery nests they build, which look like upside-down umbrellas.
  • Paper wasp nests often hang from tree branches and twigs, as well as porch ceilings and door railings. They typically contain up to 30 wasps.
  • Paper wasps aren’t as aggressive as yellow jackets, but they may sting to defend their nests. Their sting is known to be especially potent.

Safe Wasp Control & Prevention

Seeing wasps during the summertime is inevitable. However, there are several things you can do to avoid them. Always wear shoes outside to protect yourself from ground-level wasps. In addition, seal any food or drinks you have outdoors, and always use a tight-fitting lid on trash cans. If you spot a nest forming on or near your home, it’s crucial to contact the team at Russell’s. We can quickly provide wasp removal in a way that is safe for all involved.

Your Seasonal Allergies May be Triggered by Pests

Cockroaches may trigger seasonal allergies in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Spring is in full force here in Knoxville. For many, that means a desire to spend more time outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather and new blooms. However, seasonal allergies this time of year will stop many right in their tracks. But is your runny nose and itchy eyes only triggered by springtime, or is there something else at play? Believe it or not, pest problems can trigger your seasonal allergies. With May being National Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month, it’s important to learn about pest allergens in your home. Allergens created by the presence of pests can be dangerous for your family, making it crucial to learn how to prevent pests in your home in the first place! The experts at Russell’s Pest control have gathered tips and tricks to prevent pests and the allergens they cause in your home this spring and all year long.

The Dangers of Pest Allergens

Pests can cause a whole plethora of problems: structural damage, messes, germs, bacteria, and–yes–allergies. Cockroaches and dust mites are the main culprits of pest allergens in the home. Roach droppings, shed skins, and saliva all contain allergy proteins that, when inhaled, can trigger allergies or asthma symptoms. Children are especially vulnerable. In addition to these pests, stinging insects are of course known to trigger allergic reactions. Stings can cause a wide range of symptoms, but they are typically different from your normal seasonal allergy symptoms. In any case, always consult a medical professional immediately if you are experiencing severe symptoms (swelling, wheezing, dizziness, or difficulty breathing).

8 Steps to Prevent Pests and Allergies

To prevent pest allergens, you need to prevent pests! By implementing some basic pest prevention methods, you can reduce the chance of getting pest-triggered allergies. Our best tips for pest prevention include:

  1. Storing all food in airtight containers, including pet food
  2. Cleaning your kitchen on a daily basis or after mealtimes
  3. Disposing of garbage regularly and using a tight-fitting trash can lid
  4. Sealing cracks and holes in the home
  5. Sealing entry points for pipes, and placing screens over doors and windows
  6. Ensuring your basement and crawl space are well-ventilated and dry
  7. Washing your blankets, rugs, and bedding in hot water
  8. Vacuuming and dusting your property frequently

How to Avoid Pest Allergens This Spring

We all know what a pain seasonal allergies can be. Don’t let a pest problem make them even worse! If you have done all you can to prevent pests in the home and still have trouble keeping them out, the team at Russell’s can help. We are committed to protecting our customers from the dangers of pests all year long, including allergies.