Warm Tennessee Weather Makes Brown Recluse Spiders Happy

Warm Tennessee Weather Makes Brown Recluse Spiders Happy
We love perfect growing season weather! It means that, when harvest time comes, we can visit the farmers market and get locally-grown fresh fruits and vegetables! Brown recluse spiders feel the same way about the warm weather this season as we do. No, they aren’t looking forward to yummy Tennessee grown tomatoes or snap beans, but they know that warmer weather brings more of the food that they love: other insects!
Brown recluse spiders, like most other spiders, prefer to feed on flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and other insects. They have a paralyzing bite that paralyzes their prey almost immediately. These nocturnal hunters are actually more of a scavenger than an actual web-sitting spider. They are most commonly found roaming around at night in search of dead insects to feed on.
Brown recluse spiders are one of the most feared spiders in Tennessee, though they hardly live up to their reputation. As their name suggests, these spiders are rather reclusive and will hide away in warm, dark places during the daytime. Hunting at night also allows them to avoid coming into contact with people, especially when they are invading a home. Some of the most common places to find these spiders are:
  • Attics
  • Basements
  • Crawl spaces
  • Closets
  • Heating and cooling registers and ductwork
  • Inside storage boxes (in clothing, shoes, boots, linens, etc.)
  • Eaves of buildings
  • In the corners of storage sheds, barns, and garages
  • Inside rock walls
Encounters with the brown recluse spider are relatively uncommon; these spiders typically only bite if a person inadvertently surprises the spider or tries to trap the spider as the spider’s natural instinct will be to bite in order to protect itself. Contrary to popular belief, these spiders do not seek out humans to bite them.
These small, 3/8” long and 3/16” diameter, light brown spiders are easily identified by the dark brown fiddle-shaped marking on their backs. Anyone who is bitten by a brown recluse spider should seek medical attention immediately; the bite of this spider can be extremely painful and the venom that is injected can cause a variety of reactions. If possible, obtaining the spider you were bitten by and keeping it secure for proper identification is important in order to take the proper course of medical treatment.
The warm summer weather in Tennessee is a happy time for many of us, including the brown recluse spider. Keep these dangerous spiders out of your home or business with a year-round pest control plan from the Tennessee pests control professionals at Russell’s Pest Control. We offer several pest control plans to fit your needs, your schedule, and your budget. Don’t wait another day; give us a call to learn more about our residential pest control plans!

Are You Ready For Summer?

Are You Ready For Summer?

Summer pests are coming, are you ready? Perhaps you have already seen some pests around your home, but there are still more to come. Cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes, wasps, and hornets are on the way! So, what can you do to rid your home and yard of the most common and dangerous insect pests that are active in summer? Once the battle of dealing with summer pests is under control, you can get outside and enjoy the summertime to its fullest.

First, let’s examine the dangers of these pests:

Cockroaches are dangerous to both humans and pets. They walk through garbage and travel through sewers before they enter your home. During that time, their legs and bodies collect a variety of bacteria that they can then spread inside your home through contact with food and the surfaces inside your home, as well as through their feces. This bacteria can cause illnesses that can cause vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. Their shed skins and feces can also lead to asthma attacks in some people as well.

Termites are dangerous to structures. They live underground but eat and travel through the wood to gather cellulose to feed the members of their colonies. They stay very well hidden underground or inside the wood and work virtually silently as they hollow out wood where they may create a secondary or satellite nest. It can take months, or even years, to detect an infestation, and by that time your home may already have significant and costly termite damages.

Mosquitoes are now known to carry some dangerous diseases that they can transmit to humans and pets through their bites. These diseases include malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis, West Nile virus, chikungunya, and Zika virus. West Nile virus is the most common mosquito-borne illness in the United States and can lead to confusion, weakness, high fevers, and can sometimes even put people in a coma.

Wasps and hornets can sting humans and pets. Their stingers are smooth and can sting their victims repeatedly. Hornets are just larger wasps; both will defend their nests aggressively if they feel threatened. Both wasp and hornet stings are painful. Some people can have a serious allergic reaction to these stings and may require medical attention.

Each of these pests are dangerous in one form or another, and it is important to eliminate them and the threats they cause, but trying to get rid of these pests without the help of a pest control professional can be dangerous. Russell’s Pest Control can help you control these summer pests and provide services to prevent them in the future.

Here are some helpful tips to help you to get ready for summer pests:

  • Keep vegetation trimmed back and away from your home
  • Make sure your chimney caps are tight fitting and vent covers are secure
  • Repair broken, damaged, or loose roof shingles and window screens
  • Seal any gaps, cracks, and holes in exterior walls, windows, and doors
  • Reduce moisture in and around your home
  • Fix leaky pipes and fixtures right away
  • Use a dehumidifier inside your home where moisture is a problem
  • Avoid wood to soil contact around your home
  • Keep your yard free from piles of wood and debris
  • Reduce standing water around your property
  • Take trash out on a regular basis
  • Store food inside airtight containers
  • Clean up food and drink spills right away
  • Keep counters clean and free of crumbs
  • Inspect bags, boxes, and packages for pests before bringing them inside

In the end, professional pest control is essential to eliminate these pests, control them, and keep them away. At Russell’s Pest Control, our motto is: “The Power to Prevent, Driven to Protect”. We are here to help in Eastern Tennessee and Knoxville. We offer four Power programs that protect your home against 30+ common household pests, and more! Our programs are Power, Power Gold, Power Plus+, and Power Platinum. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you get summer pests under control so that you can get out and enjoy your summer, stress-free from dangerous pests.

What To Know About Spiders In Knoxville

What To Know About Spiders In Knoxville

What has 8 legs and is quite possibly the scariest insect of all? Yep, you guessed it, spiders. Spiders come in every shape, size, color and personality. Some are actual hunters while others just sit and wait for their next meal to drop by. Either way, they are definitely creepy. The real question is, what spiders do you really have to worry about?

Most common spiders are almost harmless. If they do bite at all, it isn’t poisonous. They really are more of a menace than anything else. They make webs inside and out. These webs are their home and food source. Seems like you just clean them up, and they are back the next day. Common household spiders do serve a purpose, besides scaring and annoying you. They help rid you of other small insects.

The beautiful weather and climate that we all love about Knoxville is also the reason that lots of other spiders find it a great place to live. Some of the bites of these spiders can be a serious threat to people and other animals. Here are the top 2 spiders to be on the look-out for:

Black Widow Spider

These venomous spiders try to stay out of the elements and away from view. You can usually find their irregular shaped webs in outbuildings, under stones or amongst fallen wood. Mature females are the ones to look out for. They are black with red markings on their abdomen, often appearing like a red hourglass.

Brown Recluse Spider

The brown recluse also has a venomous bite. This spider has a stealthy bite though. Often people don’t realize that they have been bitten until later when the bite area starts to hurt. This anti-social spider usually only bite when they are disturbed. They can be found in dark areas, like under porches, woodpiles or buckets.

If you think that you may have been bitten by either of these two spiders seek immediate medical attention. Everyone reacts differently to a venomous bite from this terrible twosome.

Spiders can be found just about anywhere. Here in Knoxville, we are no exception. If spiders are becoming an overwhelming part of your summer, call the experts at Russell’s Pest Control and let us take care of them for you!

Doable Mosquito Prevention Tips For This Summer

Doable Mosquito Prevention Tips For This Summer

Mosquitoes are quite possibly the biggest menace of summer. These buzzing, irritating, blood sucking, disease ridden, flying menaces are all but impossible to avoid. They aren’t picky about who or what they bite in search of their next blood meal and they reproduce quickly and numerously. What can you do to protect your family this summer? Here are a few easy tips to help you and your loved ones have a safer mosquito season this summer!

Cover up! Cover as much of your skin as comfortable. The concept is simple, the less exposed skin, the less appetizing you are to a mosquito! Spray your clothing and exposed skin with an Environmental Protection Agency-registered insect repellant. The C.D.C. recommends using products with ingredients like:

  • Picaridin

  • Deet

  • IR3535

  • Plant based oil of lemon eucalyptus

Avoid mosquito time. Mosquitoes are most active in the cooler morning and evening hours. Schedule your outside time around these mosquito prime hunting times. Less exposure to them equals less bites.

Remove mosquito attractants from your property. Mosquitos gravitate to areas with water. They are able to lay eggs in small amounts of standing water. Inspect your property for standing water. Be sure to check things like:

  • outside toys

  • toy boxes

  • flower pots

  • rain barrels

  • pool toys

  • lawn and deck furniture

  • shovels and yard tools

  • gutter and water removal systems

Standing water of any size is an open invitation for a mosquito breeding ground. Remove it, and decrease your mosquito exposure significantly.

Inspect all insect screens on your home. Check all the screens on your doors and windows regularly. The smallest tear or damage can allow mosquitoes (and other insects) free access to the inside of your home. Be sure to quickly repair or replace these damaged screens. Some types of screens can be repaired by replacing the screening, while others may have to be completely replaced.

Inform your family of the real dangers of mosquitoes. Educating your family about mosquitoes and how to limit their exposure to them is crucial in your war against mosquitoes. They can be their own best ally or worst enemy if they don’t know the proper precautions to take.

Contact a local pest control for some professional measures. There are many steps that professionals can take to help you defend your home, your family and your pets from mosquitos.

It is possible to get out and enjoy the summer weather this year without being pommelled by mosquitos or suffering from a plethora of their bites and side effects. Following these few tips will help you to enjoy the weather and your family mosquito free!

Mom’s Advice On Summer Pests

Mom's Advice On Summer Pests

When you were a kid, growing up in Knoxville, did you ever catch a bee under a glass? Did you ever corral a millipede and prod at it with a pencil? Did you ever use a magnifying glass on a mound of ants–ahem–I mean study them. You know…up close. When we were kids, bugs were the coolest things. Right? But somewhere along the way we lost our innocence and came to realize that bugs–no matter how interesting–are not meant to be in the house.

Here are the top 5 reasons your mother was right when she said, “Bugs don’t belong in the house!”

Bugs love rot. Have you ever found a decaying animal on the side of the road or in the woods? What is the first thing you notice about it? That’s right: It is covered in bugs. Bugs are the sanitary engineers of the animal kingdom. When something dies, bugs will feast on it until it is gone. Some bugs–the nastier ones–will even lay their eggs in rotting carcasses so their babies have something to easily feed on when they hatch. This may be all well and good in nature, but when a creature that enjoys rot and decay starts crawling around your house, you’re going to be exposed to harmful bacteria that will produce flu-like symptoms. Mom was right. Those bugs don’t belong in the house.

Some bugs chew on wood. If you have wood-destroying pests like termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees or some other wood-destroying insect, your house isn’t going to last long. These pests weaken support beams, load-bearing walls, and door frames. They cause windows to stick, walls to bulge and floors to sink. Your mom nailed it on the head with this one. Those bugs don’t belong in the house!

Some bugs like to bite. Whether you have blood-eating insects like mites, fleas, ticks, bed bugs, and mosquitoes or defensive biters like brown recluse spiders, bees, hornets, wasps, ants and yellow jackets, everyone can agree, these bugs don’t belong in the house!

Yuck factor. Lots of pests are just nasty. Who likes millipedes climbing on the walls, ceiling and window sills by the hundreds? Who enjoys rolling over onto a hard cricket that has found its way in between the sheets? These bugs aren’t going to hurt you, but that doesn’t mean you want them around. Get those bugs out!

Pests. They bump your face, crawl across the television screen, bombard you as you head to the kitchen to get a snack, and land on your food while you’re eating it. There is a whole class of bugs that are just plain annoying. Those bugs don’t belong in the house!

If you have bugs in your Knoxville home, call Russell’s Pest Control and have them eradicated. Your home is where you relax after a long day at work, and build memories with your children. It isn’t a place for bugs. Do what your mom says and get those bugs out of the house! You’ll be glad you did.