Characteristics of Wasp Nests

Wasp nest identification tips in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

During the summertime in Knoxville, insects are a fact of life. Wasps are one of the most common summer insects that are encountered. In nature, they’re a perfectly normal part of the environment. In fact, certain wasps are beneficial in several ways. However, they can become a nuisance when they build their nests on the sides of homes or buildings. In the late summer months, wasps can become more aggressive as their colonies grow and resources begin to dwindle. It can be difficult to identify wasp species. The easiest way to do so is to know what their nests look like. The team at Russell’s is here to share expert tips on identifying different types of wasp nests you may see near your property this summer.

Wasp Nest Identification Tips

To identify a wasp, it’s crucial to know how to identify their nest! Here’s what to know:

  1. Yellowjackets. Likely the most common nest you may see, yellowjacket nests are a papery material and have a single opening. The inside of a yellowjacket nest can have up to 100 tiers of cells. Yellowjackets can also build underground nests that can be enormous in size.
  2. Paper wasps. These nests famously look like upside-down umbrellas. Paper wasp nests are often open, and can get quite large in size. They are typically supported by a single stalk and consist of a paper-like material.
  3. Mud daubers. True to name, female mud daubers construct their nests out of mostly mud. The nests are small and tubular in size, often looking like organ pipes. They are typically found in cracks or crevices.
  4. Bald-faced hornets. These nests are almost always at least three feet off the ground. They are made of chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva. They often grow to be the size of a football or basketball.

Wasp nest identification guide in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

When do Wasps Make Nests?

Wasps usually begin to build their nests in April.  This is the time of year when certain queen wasp species awaken from the winter and begin nests. Once the queen wasp has chosen a location and built the nest, the queen will lay her eggs inside. Once they hatch, the larvae will be fed until the colony starts to grow in size. Nests typically become full size in the late summer. Certain wasp species will outgrow their nests and swarm, which is when people encounter stinging insects most often.

Can You Remove a Wasp Nest on Your Own?

It’s not recommended to try to knock down a nest on your own. Even when a nest appears inactive, there could be dozens of stinging insects inside. Certain types of wasps will not hesitate to sting you repeatedly when they feel their nest is under threat. For this reason, our team always recommends calling a professional wasp removal expert for assistance.

Mosquito Breeding Grounds in Your Yard

Mosquito breeding grounds in your Knoxville TN yard - Russell's Pest Control

Summertime here in Knoxville calls for warm, humid days. Unfortunately, our climate is ideal for mosquitoes, who are very active at dawn and dusk. If you’ve spent time outdoors during this time, you know it can seem like mosquitoes are everywhere. You may unknowingly have mosquito breeding grounds right in your backyard! Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to keep mosquitoes from breeding in your yard.

The team at Russell’s is here to share expert info on eliminating mosquitoes from your property for good–read on to learn more!

The Mosquito Breeding Process

After breeding, female mosquitoes are able to lay anywhere from 100-300 eggs at a time. Once the larvae hatch, mosquitoes will become adults in just under two week’s time. Their quick life cycle means they can quickly infest your yard! For this reason, it’s crucial to know how to eliminate all mosquito breeding grounds in the first place. A few of the most common mosquito hot spots include:

  • Old tires
  • Birdbaths
  • Gutters
  • Mud pots
  • Tree stumps and wood piles
  • Children’s play sets
  • Trash cans
  • Any other area harboring stagnant water

Mosquito prevention tips and ticks for homes in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Other Opportunities to Prevent Mosquitoes

On a regular basis, inspect your property for the above listed items. If you notice any of them are holding standing water, dump them out. In addition, it’s smart to cover items as much as possible. If you are able to reduce mosquito breeding sites, you can successfully keep them away.

A few other things you can do to prevent mosquitoes include installing screens on windows and doors, reducing outdoor lighting at night, keeping your lawn trimmed, fixing water leaks promptly, and using repellents containing DEET as necessary following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Keeping Mosquitoes Away in Knoxville

Mosquitoes are a nuisance and no one wants them in their backyard, let alone breeding in their backyard! If you’ve done everything you can to get rid of common breed grounds for mosquitoes and still are dealing with them, contact the mosquito exterminators at Russell’s today. We focus on long-term mosquito control to keep you and your family safe from these blood-suckers year-round.