Prevent Boxelder Bugs & Stink Bugs This Fall

Stink bugs are a common fall invader in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Here in Knoxville, we are accustomed to seasonal pest problems. Few are more troublesome than boxelder and stink bug infestations. These fall invaders are known as such because they enter homes when temperatures drop to escape the impending winter months. They are of course also known for the foul odor they emit when stepped on or if they feel threatened. Although they aren’t too dangerous, their populations can grow to large numbers, making the very sight of them worrisome.

The real trouble is when boxelder bugs or stink bugs crawl their way into your home. The team at Russell’s is here with information about these fall invaders, including how to keep them away.

Stink Bug & Boxelder Bug Facts

These insects can and will easily make their way inside via any crack or crevice on the outside of your home in the fall and winter. Besides the odor they emit, it’s important to know a few facts about these fall invaders:

  1. Stink bug
    • Their backs look like shields, and they can blend easily within the foliage.
    • If threatened, these bugs release an odor.
    • There are two main types we see in the states: the brown marmorated stink bug and the green stink bug.
    • They do not bite or spread disease.
  2. Boxelder bug
    • These insects have dark brown bodies with unique red markings.
    • They emerge out of hibernation in the springtime.
    • True to their name, they live in boxelder trees as well as maple, ash, and fruit trees.
    • Their feces can leave a stain.

Stink bug and boxelder bug identification in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

How to Keep Fall Pests Out of Your Home

The key to preventing boxelder bugs & stink bugs this fall is to seal-proof your home. These steps will help prevent all sorts of pests. Inspect the perimeter of your home, focusing on areas around windows and doors. Check the caulk around the molding, seal up cracks around roof soffits and siding, and replace torn screens on doors or windows. It’s also important to clean and repair fences, decorative rocks, woodpiles, patio furniture, and your lawn. Lastly, make sure to trim back vegetation to avoid tree limbs and bushes touching your home.

When to Get an Exterminator for Fall Pests

These insects can get indoors more easily than you may want to believe. If you have an infestation indoors or want to further seal your home off against them, the team at Russell’s can help! Contact our residential exterminators today for more information on our boxelder bug and stink bug control tactics.

Are Spiders More Common in the Fall?

Brown recluse spiders are dangerous in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Spiders are a common pest problem for property owners in Knoxville TN all year long. However, they are in full force in the late summer and early fall months. Spiders are drawn to your property in search of water, food, and shelter, which is why they get inside your home! The good news is that most spiders you encounter indoors are totally harmless. The bad news is that there are two spiders in particular that you need to be on the lookout for: the black widow and the brown recluse spider. At Russell’s, we know how distressing spiders can be, which is why we’re here to share to need-to-know facts about spiders in the fall!

Why Do Spiders Come Inside?

Just like other pests, spiders are attracted to sources of food, shelter, and water inside. These tiny arachnids can get inside through the tiniest of cracks in your home. Broken screens or crevices in your doors and windows often let spiders in. An unkempt yard or lawn will invite spiders to your property. You may also notice more spiders when you have other bugs and insects in your property. Spiders will be more drawn to properties that provide them with shelter and food (bugs) inside. For this reason, keeping a clean home will go a long way to prevent spiders.

Black Widow vs Brown Recluse Infographic - Russell's Pest Control in Knoxville TNAre There Dangerous Spiders in Knoxville?

The black widow and brown recluse may not be a common pest problem, but they are nonetheless a dangerous one! Both of these spiders can bite when they leave threatened, which can be dangerous. Here’s what to know about these potentially dangerous spiders:

  1. Black widows
    • These spiders have a characteristic red hourglass shape on its body.
    • They build sticky, tangled cobwebs in garages, sheds, and near the ground.
    • They can bite when they feel threatened.
  2. Brown recluse spiders
    • Brown recluse have a darker brown violin-shaped mark on their brown bodies.
    • They build loose, dome-shaped webs for shelter.
    • A brown recluse bite is known to be very painful.

How to Stay Spider-Free

Let’s face it: no one wants spiders in their home. Even if you have harmless house spiders, these creatures can be frightening for everyone.

If you are noticing spiders on a daily basis or if you’ve spotted a more dangerous spider species, it’s best to contact your local spider exterminators at Russell’s for assistance.