Tired of itchy bites and mosquito-riddled evenings? If you live in Knoxville TN, you’re no stranger to bloodsucking mosquitoes, and you may be wondering if there are any DIY methods to stop them. The truth is that while DIY mosquito control methods can provide some temporary relief, the rapid life cycle of the mosquito means that it will likely be an ongoing effort. Even if you are successful in eradicating swathes of the adult mosquito populations, many more are constantly emerging.
The key to mosquito prevention is to be strategic and make the most of the work you do. That’s why, in this blog, we’ve decided to use our years of expertise to offer up some tips on how to get the best results from your DIY mosquito control. From practical steps to prevention strategies, our goal is to help you enjoy a mosquito-free spring and summer.
When Is the Best Time for Mosquito Control in Tennessee?
In warm climates like ours, mosquitoes can be a problem for much of the year. That said, these pests are definitely at their worst in the heat of summer. That’s why the best time for preventative mosquito control is in the springtime – before they get bad.
Ideally, you should keep standing water off your property if at all possible. Removing standing water is one of the most important parts of home mosquito control. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, where they develop as larvae and pupae in water. The mosquitoes don’t emerge from water until they’re adults ready to fly and breed. Standing water can mean a puddle, a pool, a bird bath – any object that fills with even a small amount of water is a potential mosquito breeding ground.
You might also consider scheduling a preventative mosquito control service with a professional pest control company during this time. Calling in April to make an appointment for preventative mosquito control can make your property much more enjoyable in the summer.
Which DIY Mosquito Control Strategies Actually Work?
If a mosquito infestation is bad enough, there’s a chance that none of these will work. However, for mild to moderate mosquito infestations, you may have varying levels of success with any of these methods:
- Heavy duty fans: You may be surprised to learn that mosquitoes are not good at flying, but it’s true. They naturally avoid areas with high winds. Many homeowners replicate this in their backyard with powerful outdoor fans.
- Mosquito repellent topical sprays: Although they won’t solve your mosquito problem, they can greatly improve your time outside by helping you avoid bites. Just be sure to get one with DEET or picaridin as the active ingredient. These are the most effective.
- Store bought mosquito insecticides: Be extremely careful when using any kind of insecticide and only use it exactly as directed on the product packaging for safety and effectiveness. Insecticides can be very dangerous to humans and pets if exposed to in large quantities. If you’ve reached the point where you’re considering store bought insecticides, it may be a better use of your valuable time and money to call a professional mosquito exterminator like Watson Pest Management.
- Fish: If you have a pond, fountain, or other body of water on your property, it’s not like removing the water is an option. At the same time, mosquitoes will lay their eggs in it. Many homeowners have gotten creative with the solution – acquiring koi fish to reside in their water feature. Why? It’s simple: koi fish are a natural predator of mosquito larvae and devour them in huge quantities.
DIY mosquito control works best when you have as much knowledge of mosquito habitats and behaviors as possible. For more on that, check out our Mosquito Learning Center.
Should You Worry About Mosquito Borne Disease in Tennessee?
Around the world, mosquito-borne disease is a major problem. It’s one of the leading causes of death of people in tropical regions and makes life difficult for millions more chronic sufferers.
Here in the Knoxville area, we are fortunate enough that mosquito-borne disease is very rare. Still, people in Tennessee should be aware of the mosquito situation around them, as it’s still possible to suffer health consequences from a bite. West Nile is one mosquito-borne disease that’s been found in Tennessee. Additionally, data suggests that it may be possible to find Zika mosquitoes in areas around Nashville.
Why Do It Yourself When You Can Leave It to the Mosquito Pros?
If you’re looking for your next DIY project and mosquito control is something you’re considering, take it from us: save your energy for something more rewarding. Sure, it’s possible you may save a few bucks with DIY mosquito control, but you may also end up spending over a longer period of time. And, compared to professional mosquito control, you’re likely to get inferior results.
Russell’s Pest Control does this professionally, and we have the best tools and expertise at our disposal. We’ve worked with amazing homeowners across the Knoxville area and would be proud to work with you next.
What’s the Secret to DIY Mosquito Control in Tennessee in Knoxville TN?
Serving East Tennessee since 1971