Camel Crickets – Everything You Need To Know

Camel crickets in Knoxville TN - Russell's Pest Control

Most people have never heard of camel crickets. The truth is that most of us have probably encountered a camel cricket or two dozen in our lives, we just weren’t aware of what the creepy thing we were facing was exactly. A camel cricket is a part of the cricket family that has similarities to a spider in looks. In fact, many people will refer to this pest as a “spricket” or spider-cricket. In more formal terms, it is part of the Rhaphidophoridae family and has 6 legs with the two legs in the back being longer, two antennae, and a hump-shaped back.

Although relatively harmless, camel crickets can become a nuisance pest in homes because they feed on cloth and fabrics. For this reason, it’s important to learn how to identify camel crickets, as well as prevent them. The experts at Russell’s Pest Control are here to help—read on to learn all you need to know about these pests!

What Are Camel Crickets?

These pests prefer to live in dark wet environments. You will most often find them in basements, garages, greenhouses, sheds – anywhere where there is moisture and vegetation. They are essentially scavengers and will eat anything. And by anything, we are talking fungi on basement walls, scraps of food, rotting trash, fabric, dead animals and insects, feces, even each other! In this regard, they can be considered an asset as they will clean up the disgusting things found in your dank basement or garage. However, they can be a nuisance as they will chew through cloth and fabric like a moth.

Camel crickets are actually harmless to humans. They don’t bite, they don’t make noises like normal crickets, they don’t fly, and do not spread illness or disease. In order to defend themselves, they use their longer back legs to leap at their predators. The bad thing about this is that they may consider you a predator and leap at you, which can be somewhat terrifying for anyone.

How to Get Rid of Camel Crickets

While they aren’t harmful, no one wants to deal with camel crickets inside their home. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can get rid of these pests as well as keep them from coming back:

  1. Waterproof your basement, garage, and storage areas.
  2. Run a dehumidifier in damp areas of your home.
  3. Seal windows and cracks to prevent insects from getting in.
  4. Clean up and remove debris and other food sources, including pet food.
  5. Spray cracks and corners with natural peppermint oil.
  6. Set sticky traps, or homemade duct tape traps.

Need Help With Camel Crickets in Knoxville TN?

If you’ve done all you can to prevent camel crickets and are still noticing camel cricket activity, it’s time to turn to the experts. At Russell’s Pest Control, our pest control experts will work to determine what’s causing the camel cricket problem to begin with. From there, we can help you eliminate camel crickets with either a one-time service or can provide you with year-round protection with regular services. To get rid of camel crickets for good, contact us today!

Safe Tick Removal Tips

Tweezers are used to safely remove a tick - Russell's Pest Control in Knoxville TN

Here in Knoxville, we are used to dealing with a number of pests in the spring and summertime. Few pose more of a threat than ticks, who are infamous for carrying and potentially spreading Lyme disease. While this disease is rare, it’s nonetheless important to learn how to protect yourself from tick bites. When removed in the first 24 hours, the risk of tick-borne illnesses is low. For this reason, time is of the essence. With May being National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, the team at Russell’s Pest Control is here with their top tips for safe tick removal.

Tick-Borne Diseases

Ticks don’t only spread Lyme disease, and certain types of ticks transmit other diseases. For example, dog ticks transmit Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, but not Lyme disease. Deer ticks, also known as blacklegged ticks, are the species known to transmit Lyme disease. These tiny parasitic insects can and will attach to any part of the body but are often found in the groin, scalp, and armpits.

Thankfully, the chances of contracting a tick-borne disease is low when the tick is safely removed within the first 24 hours of the bite. It is only when an infected tick has been attached for 36–48 hours can the bacterium be transmitted. Knowing how to promptly and safely remove ticks, then, is essential to stopping the transmission of Lyme disease.

Tick removal guide - Russell's Pest Control in Knoxville TNSteps For Safe Tick Removal

When you are bitten by a tick, it’s important to act quickly to remove it. Thankfully, you can typically do this right at home with a pair of fine-tipped tweezers. This method, backed by the CDC, is proven to safely and effectively remove ticks:

  • Firmly grasp the head or mouth of the tick with your tweezers, as close to the skin as possible. Avoid grasping the tick’s body to the best of your ability, as this could inject the tick’s blood into the skin.
  • Steadily pull the tick outward in a straight motion. Try to not twist the tweezers, as this could dislodge the head, leaving it embedded in your skin.
  • After the tick is removed, carefully clean the area of the bite, as well as your hands, with soap and water.
  • To safely dispose of the tick, place it in a sealed bag or jar with alcohol. Another option is to flush the tick down the toilet. Do not crush the tick.

If you notice a rash or other symptoms developing after a tick bite, immediately see your doctor.

Safe Tick Removal Services in Knoxville TN

Ticks are an important pest to keep in mind in the spring and summertime in our region. By knowing how to prevent a tick bite as well as how to remove a tick when you are bitten, you can stay safe from the dangers they pose. Learn more by contacting the experts at Russell’s Pest Control today!