Spiders Predicting A Long Harsh Winter?

Spiders Predicting A Long Harsh Winter?

In the midst of all your fall activities and busy preparations for the winter months, it dawns on you that there are numerous spiders everywhere…in the garage, the basement, and yes, inside the house!  Why are there so many spiders this year?
According to an article from the Farmer’s Almanac:

One of the listed signs of a hard winter is, “spiders spinning larger than usual webs and entering the house in great numbers.”  While it is too soon to know if the Farmer’s Almanac prediction will prove to be true regarding a harsh winter, we do know that there seems to be an abundance of spiders this year.
Very few people have an appreciation of spiders.  Those menacing looking creatures just don’t make you feel warm and fuzzy!  In fact, very few things cause a reaction of fear and anxiety like the sight of a spider.  Many people will assume that if it is a spider, it is poisonous.  Tennessee has a large number of species of spiders, but there are actually only two that are poisonous—the black widow and the brown recluse.  The Tennessee Poison Center states that both of these species are found in every Tennessee County.
Most spiders are rather shy and not in the “attack mode.”  They actually prefer closed, dark places.  However, this characteristic also makes it difficult for the novice to treat the home and eradicate or remove spiders.  Your best approach to correcting a spider problem is to contact Russell’s Pest Control and ask for information regarding their Power Package Programs.  They have three packages, all of which include the removal and treatment of spiders and 30 plus common household pests.
Remember, all household pests have one thing in common—they are searching for food and shelter.  Spiders are looking for shelter and warmth but there are a few suggestions that will reduce your chances of being bitten:

  • Keep your bedspreads and skirting off the floor.  This will hopefully keep spiders out of your bed.
  • Shake out clothing and shoes before wearing.
  • Store those seldom-used items in plastic bags or storage boxes.
  • Seal all cracks around windows and doors and any other areas in which spiders may enter.

Let the professionals secure your home and eradicate those dreadful spiders.  When you choose your Power Package from Russell’s Pest Services, you will get a quarterly pest service, Russell’s pest-free* guarantee, and year round protection from more than 30 common household pests.

Russell’s Turns Up The Heat On Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs. Just the mention of their name and I start to feel as if they are crawling all over my skin. I start to scratch my arms, legs and behind my neck and feel certain they must have taken up residence in my home too! It’s even worse than mentioning lice for me, because at least lice are fairly easy to spot and eliminate. Bed bugs are far more sinister! They are sneaky little pests that can hide in any nook or cranny. They even love to hide out inside electronics like your stereo, t.v., or game system. Who would think to look for them there? And how on earth could you safely spray insecticide inside electronics!!!

These nocturnal little beasts feed on blood – and their blood of choice is human! They bite at night while we sleep and scamper away at the first sign of light. Did you know that they can go for weeks without feeding? Which can give you a false sense of security as you think they have left on their own; or perhaps, you wonder, was it some other type of insect that feasted on you while you slept! The whole idea makes my head spin!

A few facts about bed bugs that I have learned have been very helpful to me; perhaps you will find these helpful too!

  • There are 3 stages of life: eggs, nymph, and adult
  • You cannot see the eggs or nymphs with your naked eye– they are too small and whitish in color
  • Adult bugs are reddish/brown and resemble apple seeds
  • They usually bite on exposed areas like hand, face, neck or arms
  • They are highly resistant to insecticides and easily develop tolerances to new products
  • They NEVER go away on their own

What should you do if you find that these nasty little creatures have invaded your home? Contact the bed bug experts here at Russell’s Pest Control and consider Heat Treatment to eliminate your problem. Heat treatment is a very attractive solution to me because there are no poisonous chemicals used, so there is never any residue or pollution. Heat Treatment is proven effective when done by a professional like Russell’s Pest Control; and once the right temperature has been reached, there is full mortality within a minute! Of course, with set up time and placing of sensors to monitor the heat, it usually takes around six hours start to stop. When the professionals at Russell’s Pest Control treat your bed bugs you know that the heaters are positioned appropriately to ensure even heating and full destruction of your pests, while safety of your home and belongings is maintained! It’s a win, win for you – and a lose, lose for the bed bugs!

How Knoxville Residents Can Get Rid Of Ants

How Knoxville Residents Can Get Rid Of Ants

Ants can quickly become a major nuisance when found inside your home. These little black insects have found their way into your home in search of food. They will forage for food until they find an easy source. If they decide your home is an easy target for food, they will mark a trail and lead their colony there. Your home can make the perfect environment for a newly established ant colony. They need shelter, food and water to thrive and you happen to have all three. These pests can contaminate food and some damage wood sources in your home. So how do you eliminate their interest and keep them away from your Knoxville home?

The first step to keeping these ants out of your home is to seal up the exterior of your home. This can be any gaps or cracks you find around your home. These gaps can be around piping or venting. There may be cracks in windows and doors. Seal up the exterior of your home to stop ants from even trying to forage for food inside.

Next, seal up any food and water sources in your home. This can be in the pantry, the trash and pet food. Make sure all of these food sources are in airtight containers, preventing pests from getting inside. Fix any leaks or moist areas in your home. This will help deter them from seeing your home as an easy target.

The last step is to make sure that any landscaping shrubs and bushes are trimmed away from your home. Bushes and shrubs are a great place for ants to hide in and start a colony. Also, keep wood piles around 20 feet away from your home. There are a lot of pest insects that thrive in wood piles.

Most homeowners will try some of the DIY ant control products once they find they have an infestation. These products can be faulty. They only work to a certain extent and leave the rest of the colony to keep thriving. If they are done improperly, they can cause more harm than good. Some chemical DIY products can be dangerous to you, your family and pets. If you are going to try these products, make sure to read the entire label and use them exactly as instructed. The major problem with these DIY products is that they do not eliminate the entire colony and after a few days the infestation may continue or grow worse.

If you find that you have an ant infestation in your home, it is best to call Russell’s Pest Control for ant control. We can set up a plan of action for the current infestation, eliminate the ants (and other household pests) and keep them from coming back to your home.

Help For Fleas

Help For Fleas

Summer temperatures are now upon us and, oh the joyous fun of all those summer activities. So many things are associated with warming temperatures, ranging from beautiful flowers to the newly hatched baby birds and wildlife. However, not all things are met with such happiness.

Warm summer weather also brings an increase of fleas. Your dog is beautifully groomed, bathed and has his summer haircut. He looks so nice for all the guests you are expecting this weekend. The house seems to be immaculate, the kitchen is spic and span and the aroma of fresh baked bread is floating throughout the house. Finally, you sit down to catch your breath before the guests begin arriving. Suddenly, you notice a speck out of  the corner of your eye. You reach to brush it off your pants when it quickly disappears. You look more closely and see two or three more of those “jumping specks.” About this time, you notice your freshly groomed dog scratching with a vengeance and one word leaps into your mind…fleas!!!

Most fleas enter into the house on your pet. Some come in on mice and other unwanted rodents. They also have been known to hitch a ride on your trouser leg as you walk through the grass into the house. Flea eggs do not stay on their host. Unfortunately, they fall off and stick in the carpet or even furniture until they hatch into larvae then pupae stage. Unfortunately, the most recent batch has chosen the day of your summer bbq to become jumping and biting adult fleas.

Identifying a flea population is one thing. Coming up with a quick, successful solution is another. You can be assured this is not the time for any those over the counter products and DIY flea bombs or sprays.

Fleas are very swift reproducers and are extremely difficult to remove from the home. Normally, the adult flea is the only thing that can be seen. However, all eggs, larvae and pupae have to also be found and treated to completely eradicate the flea problem. Any pets in the house must be treated at the same time of the home treatment. Contacting professional Knoxville pest control specialists, like the experts here at Russell’s Pest Control is the best and only real complete answer to ridding your home of your flea problem.

Russell’s Pest Control has three home pest control programs that include treatment and control of fleas in the house and other residential pests. You will enjoy the benefit of quarterly pest services, Russell’s Pest Free guarantee and year round protection from more than 30 common pests. The key to keeping your home free of fleas and other household pests centers on the year round protection and guarantee. Contact Russell’s Pest Control today to select the service that best suits your needs and enjoy your pest-free* summer!

Benefits Of Quarterly Pest Control

Benefits Of Quarterly Pest Control

This article is not meant to sell you on a pest service or treatment plan. It simply outlines why many homeowners decide to get quarterly pest control. The goal it to help you make an informed decision and decide what is best for your family and your home.

Pests encroach. If you’ve owned your home for any length of time you know that pests are ever encroaching upon your property and almost continually assaulting your exterior walls. Homeowners that get a yearly visit from a pest control technician realize quickly that it isn’t enough. Some pests can grow their populations significantly in a year.

Illness is unseen. When pests like cockroaches, rodents, flies, ants, ticks, fleas and mosquitoes come carrying disease and harmful bacteria families often miss the connection. When flu-like symptoms strike they assume it IS the flu. But when homeowners are shown that quarterly visits from a pest technician can reduce sickness in their homes, they make the commitment.

Pest damage is hard to repair. Finding wood damage caused by termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-destroying organisms is horrifying. They burrow deep into support beams and weaken the structure of a home. This can bend the studs in load-bearing walls and cause irreparable warping. These pests should never be allowed into a home. Quarterly visits and the monitoring of bait stations stop wood damage before it can happen.

Extermination is more costly than protection. For many homeowners, the choice to wait on investing in a year-round pest treatment isn’t because they love bugs. It is a financial decision. But when they have to spend money on hiring an exterminator, they quickly realize that quarterly visits would have cost them less.

That’s it. No sales pitch. No link for you to buy now. Just the facts. If you’ve been holding off on getting quarterly visits from a pest control company, we understand. Life is filled with hundreds of little costs, and the number of people holding their hand out to receive your hard-earned money can seem endless. But when it comes to pest control, it isn’t just a matter of improving your comfort and your standard of living, it is a decision that can actually save you more money in the long run. Hopefully, these insights will help you prevent some of the pitfalls mentioned above. But in the end, what matters most is that you have the information to make an informed decision.